Hi Everyone.

We are now into June 2018 (can you believe it?) and as of this morning we have 57 Members in the California Interfaith Association and 42 Affiliates.  I have been contacted by a number of individuals and interfaith groups in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Utah, New York, Arizona and others, telling me that they support our efforts and will be celebrating ‘Interfaith Awareness Week’ with us during the second week in August.  Maybe my dream of INTERFAITH USA by 2020 is not out of the range of possibility.

In the middle of July, I will be sending a press release to all the major newspapers in California informing them of IAW and the CIA efforts.  I need to know your group’s activities for that week by May 31st.  Even if you are only doing one activity on one day during the second week in August, I’d like to let others know where things are happening.

In San Diego County we have a different interfaith group doing something different each day of that week.  There will be interfaith panels, cultural performances, youth discussion groups, movies, round table discussions, display booths and a county service project.  The last Sunday we will all meet in a park for an interfaith pot luck.  Our goal is to have the word “INTERFAITH” on people’s minds for the entire week.  We want them to hear the CIA mission statement that says: “We honor and respect all faiths, cultures, creeds, and races and seek to learn from those who believe equal spiritual opportunity and human rights belong to every person.”

For those of you who have interfaith friends throughout the country, feel free to forward this email out to them.  Tell them to contact us at  www.cainterfaith.org  with their support ESPECIALLY if they will be celebrating Interfaith Awareness Week with us.  Thank you.

Blessings,                                                                                         Steve

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