Launching CIA Website

by | May 1, 2018 | News |

WE’RE UP!!!  The California Interfaith Association website is LIVE!!!  We have almost 100 Members with Affiliates and I expect that number will be increasing.  Please check your name on the appropriate list and make sure that the hyperlink is correct.  Be sure your website is up to date including all the interfaith activities which are planned for Interfaith Awareness Week 8/5 – 8/11/2018.  The San Diego County Interfaith groups have something going on each day of IAW including a pot-luck day in the park on Sunday 8/12.  Let me know what you have going and I will include those activities in a mid-July Press Release to the major California newspapers.

I received the following from the California Assemblymember who presented the Bill for approval in the Assembly.  He said,                   “the passage of HR 85 makes the official state-wide celebration of Interfaith Awareness Week regardless of an official gubernatorial proclamation.  Feel free to officially announce this on your new website, but I am also happy to send over the visuals from the official communications office here in the capitol once they are developed.”  YAAAAAY!

Blessings, Steve                                                                                                                                                                                        Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert California Interfaith Association 858-487-8885

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